Sunday, May 31, 2009


Had Nick's graduation party today... I got Haley's hair all davidcook-ified... then gave her some awesome accessories, what a look Haley!!
stef took this photo with my camera as i tried holding those glasses on her head!


my girl edna came to town this weekend :) it flew by, but had a great time with her!


this a-hole hit me today!!! i was driving down the middle lane on 35 e, and the f-job decided he was coming over too... i was in front of him... i felt him push me forward. i couldn't believe it. way to start out my weekend.


baby owen resting on mommas lap!


my cute little dish scrubber man


part of the reason dan drove here was to bring some of his stuff back. i told him i would hold onto his bottles of wine for him! now they sit on top of my fridge... there are 10 bottles... the tricky part will be not to drink them :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


heheheehe.  went to another twins game today!!  two days in a row baby!  this guy was hilarious.  we called him my boyfriend :) he would stand up when they did the "charge" chant. i love his socks, his flag, his fanny pack, those awesome shorts, but most of all the way he wears them! haha
this was twins vs boston.... we lost 6-5, but... it was 6-3 with 2 out in the 9th when they put Joe in with one on... knocked that ball OUT!  exciting final inning anyway!! 


Dan and me at the twins/brewers game... Twins win it 6-3... even got to see a grand slam by my fave twinkie, justin morneau!  i can't be 100% sure, but i think its the only grand slam i have seen in person!


this is the earliest photo taken on my 365... this was taken right round 3am!!  Dan got here around 230. i thought it would be a fun photo.. him after driving like 18 hours... me after cleaning 5 hours and sleeping about 3... .i was really out of it at this point!!  


Have Dan coming to town from VA this weekend... he started his drive round 8am, and this photo was taken at 1030ish... i started cleaning at 430... yeah, no stopping to facebook or anything!!  5 and a half hours of cleaning! duuuuude!  but my place looks GREAT :) and just hours before Dan arrives!
and i didn't notice this when i took the photo... got a few orbs in it!!  some people say this is dust... others say its spirits, or angels... i am going with angels in this photo... i sucked up all the dust already!  anyway the one in front of my blanket is the one that makes me think its not dust. crazy. love it. i see 5 of them... how many do you see??

Thursday, May 21, 2009


went to see my doooogie today.... shes soooo cute


i was soooooo happy kris pulled off the win :)   i never ever thought it would turn out that way. 


moved back to my old desk today!


my oldest dearest friend, teddy!  Dad gave me this teddy the day i was born :) he has followed me everywhere i have moved!! so cute.  


first puzzle of the 09 cabin season!


maddie and i were goofing around up at the cabin... she must have heard something... not sure what, but she stood frozen like this for a good 30 seconds! well mostly frozen. nothing can keep her tail still :)


mom thought i was taking photos of the woodburning stove..... little did she know :)


haha. glad i took this photo first thing in the AM cuz it was the only one i took today!!  when i was heading to work i heard all sorts of ruckus on the roof...look up, and there are geese up there!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


yeaay! i got some flowers today!! these orange flowers are my FAVEs!! i have my pots all planted :) i am excited for them to grow thru the summer :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


well...i haven't yet started on my gardening... .but within a week, my balcony will be full of bloom.... can't wait to show photos of that instead of dead flowers from last year :)


whats up milestone?!?!?! i hit the 100 photo mark! haven't missed a day! so to celebrate, i painted with light :) soo much fun!!


final day at the cabin!! gramma and baby haley

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Miss Haley's first trip to Dave's Cafe up at the cabin, she loved it!


its miss haley's first day at the cabin :) what a cutie!


so tonight, i was really annoyed... and i took this photo just because i want to keep track of something if it actually continues...  glad i had friday off, cuz i really woulda been mad!! since its so nice, people are starting to hang out outside... which is quite annoying. there were many people standing outside talking loudly, wrestling around and all that crap... anyway, it was like 1030 at night, and i was ready to give the local PD a call, but a few min later they took off. quite literally, they squealed out of our condos.. so freaking annoying.  let it be known if it would have been a work night to me, i would have called the pd!


still working on this...actually sewing it together now... almost there!


most people have beer on cinco de mayo, me, i finished off this bottle of wine :)  


today at work, an auto repair shop sent us some pretty orchids!  

Sunday, May 3, 2009


finished 2 of 3 quilts today :) yahoo! just in time too, i hear jenny had her baby boy today!! Haven't heard much other than that though, ry updated his FB saying she had him, but dont know his name or anything yet..
anyway, love how both of these turned out!


nikkis bachelorette party dtoday. here she is after playing a game where she had to answer questions based on how she thought mike answered them.. if she got one wrong, she had to put a piece of gum in her mouth... of twenty questions, she only missed six ! geat job!

Friday, May 1, 2009


So tonight after i was done messing up my quilt.... i started playing with my urban decay eye shadow... i was attempting the 'smokey eyes' thing... then decided it was time for a self portrait.... then started playing with photoshop. love how it turned out!